Carl Hester Fantastic Elastic Reins
Connecting horse and rider with the ultimate elastic feel

"A huge thank you to fans at home and across the world, your support is amazing and much appreciated!

On my website I want to give you a glimpse of life at the yard. Valegro is still the number one superstar and enjoys plenty of time in his paddock with Uthopia as his companion next door. They both enjoy hacking, occasional schooling and being pampered, they also love visitors and being made a fuss of, two very adored elder statesmen.

All the horses hack on a regular basis and enjoy lots of turnout, some live out in the summer. It is important to me they lead a life with plenty of variety and relaxation, along with schooling and competition preparation."

Thank you for visiting my website.

Carl Hester

10 Questions With Carl
NAF at home with Carl 2022